Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Best Friends for not so long

My BFF Gina did not work out.  She did not like me.  She did not like Weed.  She liked Mommy, but everyone likes Mommy  She really did not like That Guy and would pee on his stuff, his pillow, his side of the bed . . .  I was lucky.  She didn't pee on me or Weed.  So Mommy had to take her back to the cat shop.

That was okay though.  I have to say she was not nice and I did not really want to be her friend.  Mommy tells me that she has found another forever home and she is happy.

Then it got slightly warmer.  I don't think it was summer but Mommy and That Guy insist that it was summer.  I thought it was wet and cold.  And now they say that Winter is Coming.  That makes me sad.

It was a busy 'summer'.  I had alot of supervising to do.  Mommy and That Guy painted the fence and the flower boxes in the backyard.  I even got Weed to help but she just got paint in her fur. We also painted the house.  I must admit it does look good.

TOG came to visit me again.  He comes every year to visit me.  Oh, Mommy is reading over my shoulder and says that I should tell you that TOG is That Other Guy.  She calls him her brother.  I guess that is like a litter mate.  I don't know if I have litter mates but I think he makes a good litter mate.  He made a big box in the backyard for Mommy and That Guy to hide in.  They call it a pug…pegasus…pergola!

My Mommy says I have been hogging the computer for too long and she wants to look up how many moons Mars has.  I have no idea what she is talking about but she is the boss.  I still have alot of news so I will try to sneak back on later.